Kealan, a surgeon, and Cody, a financial advisor, discuss the intersection of faith, generosity, and personal finance. They’re joined by a variety of guests, including pastors, financial advisors, radically generous givers, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and nonprofit leaders to explore one central question: How do we best steward God’s wealth? On The Finish Line Podcast, you’ll hear challenging and inspirational stories of tremendous generosity. You’ll also learn from experts in multiple fields about topics like setting a financial finish line, giving efficiently and effectively, and teaching generosity to your children. More than anything, though, you’ll see how God is constantly at work redeeming the world He created and loves. Visit the website at to learn more.
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
John Rinehart is the author of Gospel Patrons: People Whose Generosity Changed the World and founder of John started his career in the business world before returning to seminary. However, it was on a 132-day trip around the world that God introduced John to the concept of a gospel patron.
In his book, John vividly describes the lives of three individuals whose generosity changed the world:
- Humphrey Monmouth, a successful cloth merchant in the 1500s who personally funded William Tyndale in the translation of the first English bible
- Lady Huntingdon, a wealthy aristocrat in the 1700s who sacrificed much to partner with George Whitefield, the leading preacher of the Great Awakening and
- John Thornton, one of the wealthiest businessmen in England in the late 1700s who funded John Newton’s hymnbook, which brought us “Amazing Grace”
Since authoring Gospel Patrons, John has become an influencial speaker and founded, which serves as a home to empower a generation of gospel patrons. On the website, John and his team have countless interviews with current day gospel patrons, short films and stories, and other resources to encourage those seeking to step out in faith to advance the gospel through generosity.
John had plenty to say about topics like common themes among gospel patrons, the best ways to get started, and how generosity is critical to faith. Listen now to hear all he had to say!
- “Why do I work? What is money for? What’s the role of business people in the Kingdom of God?”
- “Behind every great movement of God, there is always going to be a behind-the-scenes generous, professional person who says: I’m in!”
- “The work of the Kingdom of God is not just for pastors or missionaries.”
- “No matter what gift you have, you can bring it to the table and God wants to use it.”
- “I think the historical patronage partnerships were significant because they unlock the way God works.”
- “Tithing isn’t the finish line of Christian giving, it’s the starting line.”
- “God is going to introduce you to people who need your support.”
- “Every great step of faith we’re ever going to take is preceded by 100 tiny little steps of faith that lead us to be ready for those moments.”
- “You will be ready to step into your moment because you’ve already stepped into 100 smaller moments.”
- “If we want to have great faith, we’ve got to use it.”
- “You grow in giving by giving.”
- “Gospel patrons who live lives of radical, inspiring generosity are people who first and foremost have understood and grasped the gospel.”
- “We become like that which we worship.”
- “One of the themes I see among great gospel patrons is that their true and pure genius is obedience. They’re gifted is all sorts of ways, but when God speaks, they move.”
- “The generous life is the most joyful life there is.”
- Gospel Patrons (the ministry)
- Gospel Patrons (the book)
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
Luke 8:1-3 | The Patron Women Accompanying Jesus
1 Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, 3 and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Bekele Shanko leads the Global Church Movements division of Cru and is the President of GACX, the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication.
Bekele’s life started out in a small Ethiopian village without a school, clinic, or running water in a family dedicated to animism. By age 5, he was already an apprentice to a witchdoctor.
When Bekele’s family miraculously came to Christ, they became a powerful conduit for God’s saving power and grace to Ethiopia and the rest of the world. Bekele’s people group, the Kambaata tribe, was completely unreached when he was young. That same people group of 1.5 million people today consists of 97% born again believers.
As Bekele continued working to reach the unreached, he eventually came to found Cru’s global church planting division in 2011. That same division today is now working in 152 countries and has 2500 full time staff leading church planting movements.
Bekele also leads GACX, a global collaboration of church planting ministries, now with over 115 partners, with the focused goal of planting a healthy multiplying church for every 1000 people distributed worldwide.
And they want to do it by 2033.
Since it’s founding in 2011, GACX partners have planted 2.4 million churches globally. And according to Bekele, the level of collaboration and resource sharing between ministries today is unparalleled in history. There are some incredible things going on in the missions frontier and you will not want to miss this episode.
- “I’ve experienced the power of God. The Gospel has transformed me. And that’s why I’m so passionate about reaching people who are lost without Christ and sharing the good news that has the power to transform lives.”
- “Missiologists believe that the center of Christianity has shifted from the global north (the western church) to the global south (Africa, Asia, and Latin America).”
- “There is a sense of lukewarmness in the church, a sense of spiritual apathy. We have many Christians, but not many committed disciples.”
- “I had this faith in God that I can ask God for anything as long as it is in His will.”
- “I asked God what he wanted me to do for him and God just opened my eyes to trust him for what we would call impossible.”
- “Whatever you ask God to do for His glory and for the advancement of His kingdom, He is able and faithful to do it. But sometimes we limit what God will do because we don’t believe and we aren’t asking God for great things. So I always encourage people to ask God for something bigger than themselves, for something they cannot do themselves.”
- “When there is clear vision, people are attracted to that vision.”
- “We want every planted church to become a great grandmother church, giving birth to a new church which gives birth to a new church.”
- “How can we help the 2 billion self-identified Christians to be part of God’s vision?”
- “We all believe that there is one church, one body, one kingdom, and one King.”
- “How can we work together for the glory of God, so God’s glory is at the center, and fulfilling the Great Commission is our motivation? One kingdom, one body is our philosophy.”
- “We are closer to the end times than yesterday.”
- “Prayer is so powerful. When we pray, we are aligned with God’s heart.”
- “Write down what you are praying and see if God answers those prayers.”
- “God is calling you to fulfill his purpose, and there is limited time.”
- Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)
- Global Church Movements, Cru’s global church planting division
- Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX)
- Jesus Film Project (see our interview with Executive Director, Josh Newell)
- iShare church planting mapping software
- Finishing the Task (see our interview with Global Church Planting Strategist, Dan Hitzhusen)
- Bekele’s book, Never Alone
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
Revelation 7:9 | Every Tribe and Nation
After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Brian Helstrom is the Executive Director of Jesus Film Harvest Partners and has been with the ministry since it began in 1997. JFHP was formed when the Jesus Film Project, a ministry of Cru, approached the Church of the Nazarenes, a protestant denomination, about partnering to bring the Jesus Film to new areas around the world.
Beginning with 200 sixteen millimeter projectors from Jesus Film in 1997, JFHP has witnessed incredible evolution and innovation in the missions world over the last 25 years.
Today, JFHP supports nearly 1000 teams working all over the world to introduce new people groups to Christ and connect them with regional churches to carry on the ongoing work of discipleship and church planting.
We have talked to leaders from many incredible ministries on the podcast, including Jesus Film, Faith Comes by Hearing, Wycliffe, Seed Company, and Finishing the Task, and Brian gave us a unique and up close look at how the work of all these ministries are linked together through partnership with boots on the ground.
He also shared about some of the cutting edge technology that is changing the missions landscape today and enabling missionaries to reach people that were previously completely unreachable.
You won’t want to miss this one.
- “The unengaged and unreached people groups, especially those who have yet to even hear Jesus name after 2000 years, are in areas where they are unreached for a reason”
- “In the pandemic, we thought we were going to lose all our teams, but all it did is cause them to grow.”
- “Because of this technology and because of these partnerships working so close together, everybody’s best stuff is helping us to go into places we never thought we’d get to this quickly.”
- “We’re really good at taking everybody’s best products, putting them in a backpack, and efficiently going to the next place that needs Jesus.”
- “Our efficiency of ministry only works because we partner not only with our denomination, but with other kingdom ministries.”
- “Pioneer donors who help start ministries are willing to bleed and die for this new baby that they’ve started.”
- “Most people have more of their wealth in what they own rather than in cash.”
- “We’re leaning into every new piece of technology we can get.”
- Jesus Film Harvest Partners
- Jesus Film Project (see our interview with Executive Director Josh Newell)
- Finishing the Task (see our interview with Global Church Planting Strategist, Dan Hitzhusen)
- Evangecube from E3 Partners
- Bible Story Cloth from the International Missions Board
- Faith Comes by Hearing (see our interview with Vice President, Morgan Jackson)
- Christian Motorcyclist Association – Run for the Son
- LightStream Device (by Renew World Outreach, see our interview with founders, the Paluskys)
- Wycliffe Bible Translators (see our interview with CEO, John Chesnut)
- Seed Company (see our interview with Chairman Emeritus, Todd Peterson)
- ROI Ministry (see our interview with Founder and Executive Director, Tim Barker)
- Joshua Project (see our interview with Director, Dan Scribner)
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
Mark 12:42-44 | A Widow’s Offering
42 And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. 43 And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. 44 For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
John Chesnut is the President and CEO of Wycliffe Bible Translators USA. Wycliffe began over 80 years ago in an effort to see the bible translated into the heart language of every people group, and now consists of over 100 partner organizations working around the globe.
However, in the last few years, the bible translation landscape has changed dramatically with unprecedented levels of collaboration between organizations. John lays out the foundation of the IllumiNations Impact Alliance as well as the exponential growth that has taken place since then, all with the goal to translate God’s Word into every known language by the year 2033.
IllumiNations started as a collaboration between 5 financial partners and 3 translation agencies and has grown to include 11 major translation agencies today. The purpose of the alliance is to coordinate, reduce redundancy, and share resources in order to accelerate the work of making God’s Word accessible to every person on Earth.
In addition to the work of IllumiNations, John shares about the challenges ahead in reaching the remaining languages, quality assurance in translation, and stories of financial partners who have come beside Wycliffe over the years.
John has a unique birds eye view into the work happening globally to make God’s Word accessible everywhere, and you won’t want to miss what he had to share.
- “This God of yours, if He is so big, why doesn’t He speak our language?”
- “It used to be common for a New Testament translation to take the life career of a missionary family.”
- “Now today, more and more translation is being carried out by people from these communities.”
- “God is bringing together different partners to carry out His work in ways I don’t know if we’ve ever seen in the history of the church.”
- “What would it look like for the Great Commission to be fulfilled in our lifetime?”
- “We’ve seen collectively more resources come in working in an open handed posture in that way than what we could have done individually, by far.”
- “The unreached people groups of the world are unreached for a reason. If it were easy, they would be reached. But those that are unreached are literally at the ends of the earth.”
- “Where outsiders are not allowed in, God is raising up people from within these communities.”
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
- SIL International (see our interview with CEO Michel Kenmogne)
- Jesus Film (see our interview with Executive Director, Josh Newell)
- Faith Comes by Hearing (see our interview with VP Morgan Jackson)
- Finishing the Task (see our interview with Global Church Planting Strategist Dan Hitzhusen)
- IllumiNations Bible Translation Alliance (see our interview with Todd Peterson)
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Jay Dykstra is a practicing radiologist and founder of the website Jay’s financial journey started in med school and residency where he and his wife learned to live with a modest lifestyle. As they looked ahead to the large income jump Jay would experience as a practicing physician, they realized they didn’t need any more to be happy. And thus began their financial finish line.
As Jay explored giving and generosity early on, he developed a passion for the global church and for giving where the impact would be highest. By changing where you give, your impact can be up to 10,000 times greater in some cases. It was from this passion that Jay founded BlessBig, which aggregates data and research from over 20 major charity evaluators to list the highest impact organizations working in a number of different impact categories.
Jay shared about a wide variety of topics including:
- Why he thinks it’s better to give now rather than later
- How giving to the local church fits into generosity
- Why it’s so important to reach young adults with the message of generosity and effective giving
- And why where you give is probably more important than how much you give
Listen now to hear all he had to say. If you'd like to reach Jay, text him at 616-610-3412 or email him at
- “Just set aside an unspendable chunk of money that feels a little sacrificial and is something you cannot spend.”
- “Get used to the mindset of having something you cannot touch, that’s going to be used for something else.”
- “It was huge for us to be able to learn those principles while we were still in the financial formation phase so that when we did have more to give, it wasn’t at all difficult for us to decide where to give or how to give because we had already been doing that.”
- “Jesus knows that what we do with our money is really more of a heart issue than a how much you give issue.”
- “It ends up being where you give that ends up being far more impactful than how much you give.”
- “Is our heart truly somewhere where we want to give, or is death the only thing that is going to succeed in separating our money from ourselves. Death should never be more generous than we are.”
- “Money is just another resource to use as an expression for how we are aligning ourselves with God.”
- “In developed nations, we’ve solved all the problems that money is good at solving. And all the problems that are left are problems that money is not good at solving.”
- “Give time to those around you, that’s what empathy is for. But give cash to the world’s lesser served and you’ll heal 10,000 more.”
- The Effective Altruism movement
- ROI Ministry (see our interview with Founder and Director, Tim Barker)
- Calvin Edwards and Co. (see our interview with Founder, Calvin Edwards)
- National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
Mark 12:42-44 | A Widow’s Offering
42 And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. 43 And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. 44 For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”
Matthew 13:8 | The Fruit of a Seed
Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
Matthew 7:16-20 | Know a Tree by its Fruit
16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
Acts 4:34-35 | There Were None Needy Among Them
34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold 35 and laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Matt Farmer is the President of the Heartland Office of the National Christian Foundation. Matt has a broad background which including time in the NFL, airforce service, seminary, and work in both the business and nonprofit sectors before taking over leadership of NCF Heartland.
Early in his career, Matt and his wife Jenna were the recipients of an incredible act of generosity that set the tone for the rest of their lives. Now, in his role with NCF Heartland, Matt is able to pave the way for many other families to explore generosity in some incredible ways. Matt shares stories of several impactful NCF givers as well as insight on topics like the power of non-cash giving, kingdom giving collaborations, and the great wealth transfer – the anticipated transfer of 60-80 trillion dollars between generations over the next several decades.
Listen now to hear all he had to share (including a particularly creative Manager Minute at the end of the episode).
- “Generosity is its own witness. It can be an apologetic itself.”
- “In the next few years, we are going to be experiencing the worlds greatest stewardship opportunity.”
- “In the last few years, we’ve seen a record level of giving happen through the pandemic.”
- “We are watching an unprecedented amount of resources go back out after an unprecedented amount of resources coming in.”
- “Our mission is to mobilize resources through inspiring biblical generosity.”
- National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)
- NCF Heartland
- Hope Center Kansas City
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
Acts 20:35 | Better to Give than to Receive (MSG version)
You’ll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, ‘You’re far happier giving than getting.’
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Todd Peterson started his career with 13 years in the NFL, but has since become a powerhouse in fueling the bible translation movement and encouraging others towards radical generosity. When Todd was drafted by the NY Giants in 1993, he was initially distracted by the excitement of a substantial income. However, God got Todd’s attention with a dramatic wake-up call after his rookie year.
From that point on, Todd and his wife Susan dedicated themselves to the exciting adventure God had in store for them. Throughout his NFL career, Todd and Susan delved deep into their generosity journey and began drawing others into that journey with them.
Since he retired from the NFL in 2006, Todd has become significantly involved in many organizations in the generosity and bible translation spaces. From 2008-2013, Todd served as Chairman of Seed Company, one of the leading bible translation ministries. And through his involvement, he was able to participate in the formation of the IllumiNations impact alliance between 11 major bible translation organizations.
Because of that collaboration, it is anticipated that the bible will be accessible to every language spoken on Earth by the year 2033. In Todd’s words, “The last bible translator is alive today.”
Todd has served on numerous other boards including Global Generosity Movement, Passion Conferences, the Young Life Foundation, and Pro Athletes Outreach and has a depth of wisdom in living out radical generosity.
Todd shared plenty of wisdom on topics like honing your giving focus and how to do more than write a check. Even more interestingly, Todd shared his unique insight into the relationship between givers and ministries, having spent significant time on both sides of the field. Listen now to hear all Todd had to share.
- “We very early on saw the NFL as a mission field and we were very highly compensated missionaries in a sense.”
- “You can’t really be a man of humility until you’ve been humiliated.”
- “I’m never going to make another penny before we give to God first.”
- When the income really started to come, we were better prepared for it because we had made a decision that we were going to give first.”
- “As our income increases, our lifestyle doesn’t have to grow with it.”
- “My NFL career, all 13 years, felt like God had a plan for my life.”
- “At the end of the day, what we’re supposed to be doing with our lives is giving them away.”
- “We want to life full and abundant life and experience all God has for us. And the best way we knew how to do that was to hold things loosely.”
- “Football was one thing that God gave me a talent for, but it wasn’t the only thing he created me to do.”
- “We are people who really want to be invested in every sense of the word. We don’t want to simply write a check to an organization.”
- “All ministry hinges on the power of the gospel in the language of a person.”
- “Could there be a greater injustice than not having access to the Gospel in your language?”
- “By 2033, we can eradicate bible poverty, meaning every language on Earth has access to at least some portion of the scripture translated.”
- “We believe in the bible translation world that the last bible translator is alive now.”
- Safely Home (see our interview with author Randy Alcorn)
- The IllumiNations Bible Translation Collaboration
- Finishing the Task (see our interview with FTT Global Church Planting Strategist Dan Hitzhusen)
- Seed Company
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
Matt. 16:25 | Whoever Seeks to Save His Life
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Isaiah 55:8 | My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
Ephesians 2:10 | We Are God’s Workmanship
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Revelation 7:9 | Every Tribe, Nation, and Tongue
After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Josh Newell is the Executive Director of the Jesus Film Project. The Jesus Film started in 1979 as a ministry of Cru and is a film based on the gospel of Luke. Within 10 years of its creation the Jesus Film was the most translated and most watched film in the world, now reported to have been translated into over 2000 languages and seen by over 3 billion people in almost every country in the world.
Jesus Film is a richly collaborative ministry partnering with a vast assortment of ministries in the bible translation, evangelism, and church planting spaces. Today, 90% of the Jesus Film projects final results come from their church planting partners in the field.
Josh joined Jesus Film in 1998 as a film translator and has remained with the organization up to today, where he now serves as Executive Director. Josh has developed a deep and thoughtful perspective of the global missions landscape and the work that remains ahead to reach every person everywhere with the gospel. Listen now to hear all he had to share.
- “I find it humbling to be a part of a project that can be a catalyst to see cross-denomination cross-traditions work together in a way that is collaborative and to see spiritual fruit.”
- “We want to be creating a faithful translation of the Jesus Film that accurately reflects the Word of God in a given people group. And to do that, you need to work with bible translators.”
- “For us, the mission hasn’t changed. It’s all about getting the gospel to everyone everywhere.”
- “If the map of where the church needs to go has remained the same for nearly 2000 years, why hasn’t it gone?”
- “The Spirit of the Lord seems to be moving is such a way to bring about collaboration on a radical level where churches and organizations are throwing everything into the middle of the table and saying ‘We’re all in’ to reach everyone everywhere. It doesn’t matter who goes, let’s just make sure that we do!”
- “We get to be a catalyst for partnership.”
- “Where is the task and what will it take to get us there?”
- “About 75% of the 6 billion unreached people live in just 12 countries.”
- The Jesus Film Project
- Watch the Jesus Film
- Cru (Campus Crusade)
- Biblica
- Wycliffe Bible Translators (see our interview with CEO John Chesnut)
- Elijah 21
- Joshua Project (see our interview with Director, Dan Scribner)
- Finishing the Task (see our interview with FTT Global Church Planting Strategist Dan Hitzhusen)
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Jonathan Reynolds is the CEO of Titus Talent Strategies, an innovative company in the recruiting and hiring space. Jonathan was raised in a strong culture of generosity and that theme has continued on through his life. And Jonathan has infused that same generosity culture into his company’s very foundation.
One way Jonathan has done that is by creating a company giving fund. Any employee can recommend an organization that is doing work in the community, and Titus Talent will help support that organization from their giving fund. In this way, Titus has contributed millions of dollars to support the community with an ultimate goal to give away 30 million dollars by 2030. And they’re ahead of schedule!
While Jonathan is a passionate Christ follower, and believes generosity is baked into our original human design before the fall, he also talks about how generosity actually makes perfect business sense. He goes as far to say that he would recommend a strong culture of generosity even for a business leader with no background in faith.
Jonathan shared not only the amazing fruit he’s seen from Titus’s generosity culture, but also the challenges that have arisen too. He had thoughtful insight into how to navigate some of these challenges and recommendations for those who don’t even know where to start.
- “Whatever you do, just do it for the glory of God. And live in such a way as to hasten his return.”
- “God is the ultimate priority and he is the one I want to please. And I am a steward of his resources.”
- “If I was an ungodly person who wasn’t living for eternity, I would actually choose the generosity route as a strategic business position. It just works. It’s magnetic and creates a sense of unified meaning.”
- “Is generosity a part of your life today? Because it won’t be later if it isn’t today.”
- “I want to stay in the business world to take people on that journey with me rather than get out as fast as I can.”
- “Even through the pandemic when the bottom fell out from most of our businesses, our first reaction was how do we keep meeting our giving goals?”
- “Generosity is contagious. It’s the most amazing experience and you want others to experience it too.”
- Titus Talent Strategies
- Homes of Hope, a ministry of Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
- National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)
- The Finish Line Community Facebook Group
- The Finish Line Community on LinkedIn
If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Calvin Edwards is the founder of the philanthropic advisory firm Calvin Edwards and Company, a consulting firm that helps philanthropic donors perform due diligence for ministries they might seek to support and to help determine the quantitative impact these organizations are having.
Calvin started his career with 20 years in the nonprofit world working for a number of ministries including Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. He then pivoted to spend several years in leadership at the Ronald Blue & Co. accounting firm before going off to launch Calvin Edwards and Company.
In addition to sharing all about how his firm evaluates ministries, Calvin had much to say about what “being a good steward” actually entails. In his words, no giver is off the hook for how they invest their giving dollars and philanthropy is a responsibility that should be taken quite thoughtfully. Calvin also had plenty of helpful guidance for new givers or those seeking to ramp up their giving. Listen now to hear all Calvin had to share!
- “Charitable organizations have trouble telling you what their strategy is.”
- “Good stewardship pushes through supporting kingdom work to supporting kingdom work that is carried out in a positive manner.”
- “It’s interesting that in scripture, fruitfulness is praised.”
- “God does care what our giving achieves.”
- “Good stewardship goes beyond the ‘I gave it away’ to ‘to whom did I give it to and what was accomplished?’.”
- “I don’t think good stewardship can be outsourced. I don’t think you can let someone else be your good steward for you.”
- “When we give, we should sense God’s pleasure.”
- “What is it that upsets me or gets me going? Maybe I should help people that are addressing that problem.”
- “It is the work of the giver in their relationship with God to work out where they should give.”
- Calvin Edwards & Company, Calvin's philanthropic advisory firm
- Walk Thru the Bible Ministries
- Ronald Blue & Co. (see our interview with founder, Ron Blue)
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Matthew 25:14-30 | The Parable of the Talents
14 “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. 20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 24 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
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